Decorative as a cut flower, large red umbels of flowers fade to pink, adding height and interest to borders. Attracts bees and butterflies. Hardy Annual Height: 120cm (4ft)
Product Part Number: 58990
Pack Size: 100 Seeds
Stock: In Stock
March to May
July to September
Sow outdoors where they are to flower. Prepare the ground well and rake to a fine tilth before sowing. Sow 1.5mm (1/16in) deep, in rows 30cm (12in) apart, or sow in irregular shapes in a border.
When large enough to handle, thin out seedlings to 15cm (6in) apart.
Makes a useful cut flower. Although a member of the carrot family, plants will produce a white in-edible root.
Product Code: 76878
Mumsie Sweet Pea Seeds
Pack: 20 Seeds
Product Code: 74702
Sunflower Music Box. Large bi-colour flowers growing to around 70-80cm tall.
Pack: 35 Seeds
Product Code: 67605
Marigold Inca mixed produced very early flowers in a mix of gold, orange and yellow. Height 35cm.
Pack: 30 Seeds
Product Code: 78028
Large, well placed cream flowers on long stems which make this variety ideal for cut flowers.
Product Code: 74302
A highly scented mixture of dwarf stocks with single and double blooms.
Pack: 150 Seeds
Product Code: 73302
Grown primarily for the fascinating seed heads which follow the ball shaped light blue flowers. A...
Pack: 65 Seeds
Product Code: 67110
This unique Lupinus is fabulous when planted in borders or as a cut flower. A hardy annual.
Pack: 40 Seeds
Product Code: 67604
STAR BUY! An outstanding blended...
Pack: 140 Seeds
Product Code: 55209
An intriguing calendula with distinctive quilled, deep orange petals.
Pack: 100 Seeds
Product Code: 76514
Robust plants have excellent garden performance.
Product Code: 56402
An absolutely stunning flower, Cerinthe Major Purpurescens produces rich purple-blue nodding...
Pack: 12 Seeds
Product Code: 57905
Black Ball Cornflower Seeds
Pack: 300 Seeds
Product Code: 51500
Ammi Majus, also known as Bishop's Flower, produces pretty white flower heads. It is the...
Pack: 500 Seeds
Product Code: 52217
Antirrhinum White Admiral F1 - Snapdragon Seeds
Pack: 50 Seeds
Product Code: 69305
Delft Blue Nigella produces the beautiful striking blue-grey blooms reminiscent of Dutch "...
Product Code: 76510
Pale red outer petals fading to lime green in the centre.
Product Code: 10521
Leaf Beet seeds - Rainbow Chard. Pack: 125 Seeds Stock: In Stock
Pack: 125 Seeds
Product Code: 54501
Bells of Ireland - Molucella Laevis.
Pack: 200 Seeds
Product Code: 57901
Double Blue Cornflower seeds produce tall stems with beautiful blue blooms.
Pack: 325 Seeds
Product Code: 73202
Deepest maroon, almost black blooms with contrasting white stigmas. Ideal for adding height to...