If you're experiencing difficulties placing an order, please email us with details of the problem and we'll try to resolve it as quickly as possible. Alternatively you can contact our Customer Service team on 01376 570 000 to place your order. If you'd like to ask a question, make a comment on your experience of using KingsSeeds.com, or tell us you're not happy with a product or service you've received, please contact us through one of the methods below.
Please note: We are unable to accept visitors at present, we will let you know once we are able to accept visitors. Any queries, please contact us by email info@kingsseeds.com or by phone on 01376 570 000
The answer to your question may be within our Frequently Asked Questions. If not, or if you would like more information please do contact us.
By email
Complete our online form below or send an email to our Customer Service team.
By telephone
Call our Customer Service team on 01376 570 000, any time between 9:00am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). Calls during our working hours will be answered by a real person, not a robot.
By post
Write to: Customer Services, Kings Seeds, Monks Farm, Coggeshall Road, Kelvedon, Colchester, Essex CO5 9PG