Buttercup squash is a winter squash with a delicious dense firm flesh and a superb sweet and nutty flavour. This squash is the ideal choice for uses such as roasting with the Sunday joint, soups and delicious pumpkin pie. It has an unusual flat shape with grey-green coloured skin, and orange flesh. Buttercup squash can reach weights of approximately 1.5kg.
Product Part Number: 12316
Pack Size: 15 Seeds
Stock: In Stock
A good source of Vitamins B1 and E and high in antioxidants.
Product Code: 12348
Crown Prince F1 Squash - Renowned for its eating qualities this steel grey...
Pack: 6 Seeds
Product Code: 12318
Marina di Choggia produces medium sized, flattened globe fruits with a unique...
Pack: 15 Seeds
Product Code: 12323
Marquee de Provence are large round, semi-flat scalloped fruits weighing up to...
Product Code: 12329
Sunshine Winter Squash is a Kabocha type squash with a beautifully vibrant, bright red to orange...
Pack: 10 Seeds
Product Code: 12302
Golden Nugget is very much like its name; its globe shaped fruit boasts a beautifully rich...
Product Code: 85019
Vegetable Spaghetti seeds.
Pack: 8 Seeds
Product Code: 12320
Blue Kuri Seeds - Unusual fruits with a blue-grey skin and deep orange flesh.
Product Code: 12301
Waltham Butternut Squash has an elongated pear shape which has a ...
Product Code: 12319
An All America Selection Award Winner, Cornell's Bush Delicata has a beautifully sweet and...
Product Code: 12350
Autumn Crown F1 Butternut Squash is Bred specifically for the UK climate...
Product Code: 12307
Sweet Dumpling squash has an unusual skin colouring of stripes of light and dark...
Product Code: 12310
Also called the onion squash because of its shape. Uchiki Kuri squash has a bright orange skin...
Product Code: 10502
Beetroot Seeds - Boltardy - GARDENER'S CHOICE Pack: 275 Seeds Stock: In Stock
Pack: 275 Seeds
Product Code: 10521
Leaf Beet seeds - Rainbow Chard. Pack: 125 Seeds Stock: In Stock
Pack: 125 Seeds
Product Code: 30229
Climbing French Bean seeds - Cobra
Pack: 50 Seeds
Product Code: 12322
Queensland Blue is an Australian variety of squash and is simply beautiful...
Product Code: 12328
An AAS award winner, Honey Bear F1 produces small fruits that are just the right size halved...
Product Code: 12352
Winter Squash Butternut Hunter F1. British bred for superior garden performance.
Pack: Seeds 15