Senshyu Yellow is an ever popular over-wintering Japanese onion, which is a heavy yielding variety for August sowing and June harvesting. It produces excellent quality semi-globe shaped bulbs with golden skin and white flesh. One of the most popular crops for the gardener, onions are a huge must for any allotment holder or for the gardener who has their own little vegetable garden at home, as they are so versatile and can be used for a variety of different things.
Product Part Number: 13213
Pack Size: 150 Seeds
Stock: In Stock
Antibacterial and Antiseptic properties, due to beneficial sulphur compounds. A good source of antioxidants, such as quercetin and anthocyanin, also high in Vitamin C, Calcium and Iron.
Product Code: 85017
Long White Ishikura Spring Onion Seeds - A...
Pack: 300 Seeds
Product Code: V250
A spring onion native of Siberia, not Wales.This is the red form nearer to the true wild Welsh...
Pack: 200 Seeds
Product Code: 13227
Onion Red Baron is a beautiful deep blood red...
Pack: 250 Seeds
Product Code: 13219
Same variety as White Lisbon spring onions, but has been selected specifically for its winter...
Pack: 600 Seeds
Product Code: 13218
Large growers pack of white lisbon spring onion seeds....
Pack: 4000 Seeds
Product Code: 18168
EXHIBITION. Pack: 100 Seeds
Product Code: 13217
White Lisbon Spring Onion Seeds
Pack: 800 Seeds
Product Code: 13233
EXHIBITION. Pack: 250 Seeds Stock: In Stock
Product Code: 13234
Lilia onions seeds produce salad / pickling...
Pack: 500 Seeds
Product Code: 13207
STAR BUY. Pack: 400 Seeds
Product Code: 11239
CAULIFLOWER SEEDS - Barcelona F1. <...
Pack: 20 Seeds
Product Code: 30103
Broad Bean seeds - Aquadulce Claudia. GARDENER'S...
Pack: 45 Seeds
Product Code: 30313
Pea Meteor Seeds - AS
Pack: 350 Seeds
Product Code: 10502
Beetroot Seeds - Boltardy - GARDENER'S CHOICE Pack: 275 Seeds Stock: In Stock
Pack: 275 Seeds
Product Code: 10901
Cabbage Seeds - April. GARDENER'S CHOICE. Pack: 500 Seeds Stock: In Stock
Product Code: 11103
GARDENERS CHOICE - Award of Garden Merit. Autumn King Carrot Seeds
Pack: 2000 Seeds
Product Code: 13223
Red Brunswick onion seeds. These are late...