This wildflower gets is name as the seeds capsules have a similar shape of a birds foot when they ripen. Produces bright yellow flowers from June-August. Great for attracting bees and butterflies into the garden. A great general-purpose wildflower and as it is a perennial, it will flower year after year. Habitat: light and chalk grassland. Leguminosae. Height low
Product Part Number: WF8
Pack Size: 100 Seeds
Stock: In Stock
Product Code: WF2
Flowers pale pink to white in early spring. Habitat: woodland Ranunculaceae. Low creeping wild...
Pack: 50 Seeds
Product Code: WF81002
Leaves are similar to the primrose and the familar creamy...
Product Code: WF12
Flowers white May-September. Habitat: copses and open ground light-soil. Caryophyllaceae. Height...
Pack: 500 Seeds
Product Code: WF15
Flowers purple pink June-August. Habitat: cornfields. Caryophyllaceae. Height 1 metre...
Pack: 75 Seeds
Product Code: WF16
Cornflower, also known as Bachelor's Buttons, Bluebottle abd Hurtsickle.
Pack: 200 Seeds
Product Code: WF23
Scented leaves and showy blue flowers. Fine bee plant. Height 45cm
Pack: 100 Seeds
Product Code: WF51
Lychnis flos-cuculi. Flowers deep rose red May-August. Habitat: moist meadows. Carvophyllaceae...
Pack: 1000 Seeds
Product Code: WF67
Yellow Rattle wild flower seeds "rattle" in pods when ripe. Flowers yellow May-August...
Product Code: H71
Marvellous ground cover and a novel lawn. A favourite of the bees so watch how you step! Use also...
Pack: 750 Seeds
Product Code: WF33
Flowers blue bell shaped July-September. Habitat: dry grassland. Campanulaceae. Height 30cm.