Tomato Akron F1 seeds are a hybrid variety that produces long trusses of typically 8 to 11 deep red fruits with good inner flesh colour and excellent flavour. The highest yielding variety in the RHS trials of 2013, with each plant yielding between 60-70 fruits! The plants can reach heights of 2m tall and spread to 50cm wide. These tomato seeds can be grown either outdoors or inside in a greenhouse.
Product Part Number: 14873
Pack Size: 12 Seeds
Stock: In Stock
Product Code: 18187
A new and improved Shirley type, producing high yields.
Pack: 10 Seeds
Product Code: 14821
Shirley F1 tomato is one of the most popular hybrid varieties.
Pack: 15 Seeds
Product Code: 14893
Maisey F1 Tomato Seeds
Product Code: 14865
Rosella tomatoes, much like their name would suggest, are a unique deep pink, cherry tomato.
Product Code: 14823
Sungold tomato is an extra sweet cherry type which produces many heavily laden trusses of rich...
Product Code: 14861
Strong, vigorous rootstock with a positive generative effect on the growth of the grafted cultivar.
Pack: 12 Seeds
Product Code: 18178
EXHIBITION. Britain's Breakfast tomatoes...
Pack: 25 Seeds
Product Code: 14850
Garten Perle tomatoes really are the jewel of the garden with their delicious, rosy-red, cherry...
Product Code: 14869
Black Opal tomato seeds produce dark chocolate coloured cherry tomatoes with a...
Pack: 20 Seeds
Product Code: 14856
Tumbling Tom Yellow is a very compact type of tomato which is perfect for hanging baskets and...
Product Code: 10502
Beetroot Seeds - Boltardy - GARDENER'S CHOICE Pack: 275 Seeds Stock: In Stock
Pack: 275 Seeds
Product Code: 30229
Climbing French Bean seeds - Cobra
Pack: 50 Seeds
Product Code: 12026
EXHIBITION variety. Pack: 4 Seeds
Product Code: 12012
Burpless Tasty Green F1 Cucumber Seeds
Product Code: 13412
EXHIBITION. Pack: 500 Seeds Stock: In Stock
Pack: 500 Seeds
Product Code: 14718
Swift is a first early sweet corn with a very sweet flavour...
Product Code: 11103
GARDENERS CHOICE - Award of Garden Merit. Autumn King Carrot Seeds
Pack: 2000 Seeds
Product Code: 14802
Alicante tomato seeds are best described as an improved Moneymaker type.
Pack: 75 Seeds
Product Code: 13606
Sweet Pepper - Beauty Bell F1 Seeds. These...