Wong Bok Chinese Cabbage produces large barrel shaped heads with crisp light green leaves. It is a hardy perennial and it can be grown by broadcasting in small blocks and harvesting individual leaves as and when they are required. Chinese cabbage has a more subtle and pleasant flavour than many of the European varieties and tends to have a delicious crispness much like you would expect from a lettuce. It can therefore be eaten raw or steamed or stir fried. The interest in what we have classed liberally as "Oriental Vegetables" increases every year. They can be used raw in salads, or lightly cooked for use in stir frys and numerous Chinese style meals. We hope you will be tempted to give something different a try.
Product Part Number: 30501
Pack Size: 375 Seeds
Stock: In Stock
A very good source of Vitamin A, C, K and Vitamin B6, Folate, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium and Manganese.
Product Code: 85029
Chinese Kale or Kailaan as it is known, is a chinese broccoli...
Pack: 200 Seeds
Product Code: 31205
Pak Choi Green is a vigorous grower producing heavy yields in...
Product Code: CH3
Tall cylindrical heads of bright green. Ready just 70 days after transplanting. Sow late summer...
Pack: 150 Seeds
Product Code: 85004
Product Code: 85005
Yuki Chinese Cabbage (Chinese Leaves) produce...
Product Code: CH19
Japanese green, spray-like plant with long narrow leaves. Flavour is mild but slightly stronger...
Pack: 350 Seeds
Product Code: 85279
You Qing Choi F1 is packed full of excellent flavour with an...
Pack: 40 Seeds
Product Code: 85002
Pak Choi Shun Choi F1 seeds
Pack: 100 Seeds
Product Code: 31001
The leaves of Mitsuba resemble plain leaf parsley, but...
Pack: 500 Seeds
Product Code: 31253
Mustard Golden Streaks has very finely serrated leaves with a...
Product Code: 30105
Broad Bean seeds - Bunyards Exhibition
Pack: 50 Seeds
Product Code: 85001
Pak Choi - Joi Choi F1 Seeds
Pack: 125 Seeds
Product Code: 85003
Red Pak Choi produces beautifully flavoured...
Product Code: 14810
Moneymaker is probably the most famous variety of tomato. Well know for its heavy crops of medium...
Pack: 75 Seeds
Product Code: 10521
Leaf Beet seeds - Rainbow Chard. Pack: 125 Seeds Stock: In Stock
Product Code: 10502
Beetroot Seeds - Boltardy - GARDENER'S CHOICE Pack: 275 Seeds Stock: In Stock
Pack: 275 Seeds
Product Code: 12352
Winter Squash Butternut Hunter F1. British bred for superior garden performance.
Pack: Seeds 15