RHS Award Onion Red Baron is a beautiful deep blood red coloured onion with slightly flattened globe shaped bulbs that will keep into the new year. It has late maincrop maturity with good skin and thin necks.
One of the most popular crops for the gardener, onions are a huge must for any allotment holder or for the gardener who has their own little vegetable garden at home, as they are so versatile and can be used for a variety of different things.
Product Part Number: 13227
Pack Size: 250 Seeds
Stock: In Stock
Antibacterial and Antiseptic properties, due to beneficial sulphur compounds. A good source of antioxidants, such as quercetin and anthocyanin. Also high in Vitamin C, Calcium and Iron.
Product Code: 13244
Pack: 200 Seeds
Product Code: 13231
Armstrong F1 is a very productuive maincrop. It is a...
Pack: 110 Seeds
Product Code: 18168
EXHIBITION. Pack: 100 Seeds
Product Code: 13238
Onion Magnate F1 Seeds
Pack: 250 Seeds
Product Code: 13224
Onion Rossa Longa di Firenze Seeds
Product Code: 13241
Gerda Spring Onion Seeds
Pack: 500 Seeds
Product Code: V250
A spring onion native of Siberia, not Wales.This is the red form nearer to the true wild Welsh...
Product Code: 13239
Spring Onion Slender Star seeds
Product Code: 13223
Red Brunswick onion seeds. These are late...
Pack: 275 Seeds
Product Code: 13234
Lilia onions seeds produce salad / pickling...
Product Code: 10502
Beetroot Seeds - Boltardy - GARDENER'S CHOICE Pack: 275 Seeds Stock: In Stock
Product Code: 13207
STAR BUY. Pack: 400 Seeds
Product Code: 13217
White Lisbon Spring Onion Seeds
Pack: 800 Seeds
Product Code: 14199
Zebrune Shallot Seeds. (Banana Shallot)
Pack: 150 Seeds
Product Code: 11103
GARDENERS CHOICE - Award of Garden Merit. Autumn King Carrot Seeds
Pack: 2000 Seeds
Product Code: 12506
Pack: 425 Seeds
Product Code: 13407
Product Code: 13412
EXHIBITION. Pack: 500 Seeds Stock: In Stock
Product Code: 30229
Climbing French Bean seeds - Cobra
Pack: 50 Seeds
Product Code: 14718
Swift is a first early sweet corn with a very sweet flavour...