Application Advice for Angus Rock Dust
Soil based applications
For existing trees, shrubs, herbaceous borders, bulbs, fruit trees & bushes:
- 1st application now @ 2kg/m2 [8 tonne/acre or 20 tonne/ha.]
- Annual applications in autumn/winter @ 500g/m2 [2 tonne/acre or 5 tonne/ha.]
Best applied to soil surface and covered with organic mulch [VermiCompost], nature will take the rock dust and its goodness to the root zone
For existing lawns & pasture, meadows etc:
- 1st application now @ 2kg/m2 [8 tonne/acre or 20 tonne/ha.]
- Annual applications in autumn/winter @ 500g/m2 [2 tonne/acre or 5 tonne/ha.]
Best applied to soil surface and top dressed with organic mulch [VermiCompost], nature will take the rock dust and its goodness to the root zone
(NB: Use with care on lawns as sand/grit particles may damage cylinder mowers)
For vegetable gardens [all crops]:
- 1st application now @ 3kg/m2 [12 tonne/acre or 30 tonne/ha.]
- Annual applications in autumn/winter @ 1kg/m2 [4 tonne/acre or 10 tonne/ha.]
Best applied to soil surface, but if you are digging then we suggest you double the rate of use and incorporate to a depth of up to 300mm.
Planting of trees, shrubs and root balled plants:
- Back fill with your natural soil and 5% Angus Rock Dust.
Planting of bulbs:
- Sprinkle 2kg/m2 [8 tonne/acre or 20 tonne/ha.] to the soil surface prior to planting
Preparation for laying of turf or sowing of grass seed for lawns, pasture etc:
- Sprinkle 2kg/m2 [8 tonne/acre or 20 tonne/ha.] to the soil and rake in to the surface.
Compost / Growing media applications
Always use Angus VermiCompost with Angus Rock Dust in non-soil based growing media [commonly, but not always accurately, referred to as compost].
For all crops/plants in all types/sizes of containers mix 5% Angus Rock Dust and 5% VermiCompost with the growing media. E.g. If using 90 litres of growing media mix in 5kg of Angus Rock Dust and 5 litres of Angus VermiCompost.
Angus Rock Dust is an ideal addition to your compost heap. Sprinkle a dusting to each layer to encourage speedy activation of microbes and ready to use compost sooner.