Product Part Number: 76515
Pack Size: 100 Seeds
Stock: In Stock
July to October
Sow seeds into individual pots or module trays of moist seed compost and cover with a very fine sprinkling of compost or vermiculite. Place in a propagator or warm place at a temperature of between 20-23°C. Do not exclude light as this helps germination which usually takes 7-14 days. Later sowings can be made outdoors once the soil has warmed 3mm (1⁄8”) deep in drills 30cm (12”) apart, in well-cultivated weed free soil. When large enough to handle, thin out seedlings to 30cm (12”) apart.
When well grown, gradually acclimatise young plants to outdoor conditions for a few weeks before planting out after all risk of frost 23- 30cm (9-12”) apart, taking care not to damage the root system. Best planted in well-drained soil in full sun.
A sheltered but sunny position is best. The flowers have long stems and are long lasting as a cut flower.
Product Code: 76506
These are one of the most beautiful cut Zinnias
Pack: 100 Seeds
Product Code: 76504
Thumberlina is a very dwarf variety of Zinnia, ideal for container use. Double and semi-double...
Pack: 75 Seeds
Product Code: 76514
Robust plants have excellent garden performance.
Product Code: 76518
Product Code: 76502
Semi-double flowers on strong stems, ideal for cutting.
Pack: 130 Seeds
Product Code: 76513
Eye-catching large red and yellow bicolour blooms and the first of this colour to be available...
Pack: 20 Seeds
Product Code: 76510
Pale red outer petals fading to lime green in the centre.
Product Code: 76516
Zinnia Cresto Citrus Mixed adds height and interest to borders.
Product Code: 76508
Zinderella Lilac is an outstanding scabious flowered selection. These blooms are an attractive...
Product Code: 76519
Product Code: 51500
Ammi Majus, also known as Bishop's Flower, produces pretty white flower heads. It is the...
Pack: 500 Seeds
Product Code: 76511
Impressive blooms with the unusual appearance as if splashed with paint. Makes a great cut flower.
Pack: 50 Seeds
Stock: Out of Stock
Product Code: 12352
Winter Squash Butternut Hunter F1. British bred for superior garden performance.
Pack: Seeds 15
Product Code: 10521
Leaf Beet seeds - Rainbow Chard. Pack: 125 Seeds Stock: In Stock
Pack: 125 Seeds
Product Code: 54501
Bells of Ireland - Molucella Laevis.
Pack: 200 Seeds