Helenium Hoopsii is also known as Sneezeweed, but dont be alarmed... Despite this name it doesn't cause allergies! Hoopsii is a long flowering plant for the herbaceous border with its grey-green rosette foliage with golden yellow flowers, it can grow to a height of approximately 90cm. Hoopsii is a hardy perennial so will add a gorgeous splash of colour to your garden even with the British weather being so unpredictable! Hardy Perennial
Product Part Number: 63301
Pack Size: 125 Seeds
Stock: In Stock
March to May
In pots or trays using a good seed compost then place in a cold frame or cool greenhouse.
When seedlings are large enough to handle, prick off into trays and grow on. Gradually harden off before planting in flowering sites.
Product Code: 66201
Lavender Munstead Dwarf
Pack: 200 Seeds
Product Code: 53806
Aubrieta Royal Violet Seeds
Pack: 325 Seeds
Product Code: 62302
Summer herbaceous border plant suited particularly to a moist soil. Bright red double flowers...
Pack: 50 Seeds
Product Code: 55901
The traditional wedding flower for button holes, Carnation Giant Chabaud produces large fragrant...
Pack: 120 Seeds
Product Code: 57203
We have re-introduced this variety to our flower seed range!
Pack: 15 Seeds
Product Code: 75710
First year flowering perennial which is very heat and drought resistant. The compact, upright...
Pack: 40 Seeds
Product Code: 75713
A first year flowering perennial
Product Code: 58914
Bred on and developed from Bishop of Llandaff. A fiery, mid-height dahlia mix in a range of...
Pack: 100 Seeds
Product Code: 68301
Well suited to moist areas in bog gardens or pool edge. Yellow and copper blotched flowers...
Pack: 1750 Seeds
Product Code: 59111
The Super Parfait Series of Dianthus is more compact in growth and flowers earlier than...
Product Code: 72603
Large golden single daisy like flowers with dark brown eyes. Good cut flower and a clump in a...
Pack: 450 Seeds
Product Code: 60101
Echinops Ritro can also be known as Globe Thistle makes for a beautiful stately...
Pack: 75 Seeds
Product Code: 75224
Tithonia Torch, also known as the Mexican Sunflower. Adds vibrant later summer colour to...
Product Code: 50602
Fleuroselect gold medal winner. An aristocratic Agastache with stately long lasting spikes of...
Pack: 20 Seeds
Product Code: 10521
Leaf Beet seeds - Rainbow Chard. Pack: 125 Seeds Stock: In Stock
Pack: 125 Seeds
Product Code: 72609
A perennial Rudbeckia flowering towards early autumn, adding...
Product Code: 12352
Winter Squash Butternut Hunter F1. British bred for superior garden performance.
Pack: Seeds 15
Product Code: 30229
Climbing French Bean seeds - Cobra
Product Code: 59903
Echinacea Purpurea (Purple Coneflower) makes for a splendid sight when planted in clumps...