Product Part Number: 74304
Pack Size: 150 Seeds
Stock: In Stock
Product Code: 59501
Dipsacus Fullonum (Teasel) produces spiky cone shaped flowers that are beloved of dried flower...
Pack: 150 Seeds
Product Code: 59305
Purpurea Apricot Foxgloves - Pinkish yellow flower spikes
Product Code: 68605
A mix of pink, white and blue forget me nots, is ideal for adding colours to your spring borders.
Pack: 500 Seeds
Product Code: 76203
Masses of deep orange wallflower blooms.
Product Code: 76206
STAR BUY! All mixture of fragrant, pastel shades of wallflowers.
Pack: 600 Seeds
Product Code: 54403
Habanera Mixed produce large round flowers in which the petals form fluffy balls like a pin...
Pack: 100 Pills
Product Code: 71701
Papaver (Poppy) Iceland Giant.
Pack: 1500 Seeds
Product Code: 80221
Wild foxglove seeds. A tall plant with mauve or purple dark...
Pack: 1000 Seeds
Product Code: 59301
Excelsior Mixed Foxglove Seeds. Another traditional cottage garden favourite...
Pack: 1400 Seeds
Product Code: 56702
Cineraria Excelsior is a large leaved and large flowered variety in a pleasant colour range. This...
Pack: 75 Seeds
Product Code: 67801
Slender stems of small lilac flowers which need to be in clumps for best effect, but the...
Product Code: 30229
Climbing French Bean seeds - Cobra
Pack: 50 Seeds
Product Code: 74905
This variety of the ever popular Sweet William produces large flower heads and the individual...
Product Code: 30103
Broad Bean seeds - Aquadulce Claudia. GARDENER'S...
Pack: 45 Seeds
Product Code: 65901
Larkspur really makes a show when in full flower. Shades of pink, white and blue, cuts and dries...
Pack: 300 Seeds
Product Code: 74205
Sea Lavender. Probably the most popular of all the everlastings. Strong stems and bright flower...
Pack: 100 Seeds
Product Code: 74302
A highly scented mixture of dwarf stocks with single and double blooms.
Product Code: 74908
Fully double mix of taller Sweet Williams ideal for cutting, filling the spring air with their...
Product Code: 10502
Beetroot Seeds - Boltardy - GARDENER'S CHOICE Pack: 275 Seeds Stock: In Stock
Pack: 275 Seeds