Beetroot is one of the easiest vegetables to grow from seed and much more tasty than shop bought. Most commonly used in salads or pickled. Most varieties of beetroot have "cluster seeds" which produce multiple seedlings and require thinning out. Beetroot grows in cluders. For mon-germ varieties which produce single seedlings at each sowing, have a look at our organic Alvro Mono.
To get a succession of roots, we recommend sowing part rows at weekly intervals. The rows should be 30cm apart to allow the beetroot seeds space to fully grow and mature. Keep the plants weed free and water regularly. Young beetroot can be harvested in 7-8 weeks, or left to mature until around 12 weeks. To harvest, loosen roots with a fork and pull gently, and then twist off the leaves 4-5cm from the crown. If the skin is damaged then this will result in bleeding during cooking, causing a loss of colour and flavour. Wash in cold water and if cooking, boil for 1-2 hours. The skin can be rubbed off once cooled.
We also have a range of Chard Seeds. Leaf beet is slightly different to beetroot but they are grown on a similar regime so the leaves can be used as an alternative to spinach. Buy beetroot seeds today!
Beetroot Detroit Globe 2 - An improved version of the original Detroit globe.