Here at Kings, we offer possibly one of the largest ranges of seeds online. Although we add new varieties to our catalogue every year, we still stock a range of heritage and heirloom varieties, some of which are over 100 years old, and were in our first catalogue in 1918! We know that these old fashioned, heritage varieties are much loved by many gardeners, as they have stood the test of time, and year after year, still prove to be reliable, tasty, and great value for money.
China Rose has medium large oblong shaped roots with rose pink skin and pure white flesh. This variety can be harvested in autumn and stored in dry sand in frost free conditions.
GARDENER'S CHOICE. French Breakfast is one of the most famous varieties but despite its name, I have yet to see it eaten first thing in the morning in France!
Vertus Savoy Cabbage produces flat round heads of greyish-green leaves which are very hardy. They are late to mature and stands well without splitting.
Technically, New Zealand is not a true spinach. It has a dwarf and trailing habit so it is important to pinch out the growing point to encourage bushiness. This type is not frost hardy so should be sown from May to August.