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Vegetable Garden/Allotment Starter Pack

A selection of easy to grow vegetables to get your vegetable garden started These can also be grown in deep containers on the patio or in raised beds.
Collection contains 5 individual foils of:
Beetroot Boltardy S/C 200
Onion White Lisbon S/C 400
Carrot Early Nantes S/C 1,000
Radish French Breakfast S/C 1,000
Lettuce Little Gem S/C 1,000

Product Part No: 92041

Pack size: Collection Pack

In Stock
Price: £4.50

When to Sow

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Additional Details

When to Sow

March to June.


May to September.

Where to Sow

Sow thinly direct into the growing site 2cm (¾”) deep in rows 30-45cm (12-18in) apart. You are better off delaying sowings if soils are wet and cold.

What to do Next

As soon as seedlings appear, they should be gradually thinned out. Hoe regularly and water as required during dry spells of weather.
Please Note for Carrots - Carrot fly is attracted by the smell whilst thinning, If you have to thin the seedlings, do so in the evening. Water before thinning and remove all the debris. Do not transplant. Aim for roots 5-7cm (2-3”) apart.
Please note for Lettuce - Sowings can also be made underglass, sow seeds into pots or trays of seed sowing compost at a temperature of 15-20°C and lightly cover seeds with a sprinkling of vermiculite or compost. Once seedlings are large enough to handle can be pricked out (transplanted) into individual pots or module trays and grown on until ready to harden off and plant out into the vegetable plot 30cm (12in) apart between the plants and the rows.

Handy Tip

If space allows, do more than one sowing spaced 3-4 weeks apart so you have a successional crop to harvest rather than all at once.