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Herb Tansy Seed - Perennial

Tansy is a highly effective natural insecticide so will help keep the pest away. Its often used in herbal teas too, as it can help aid digestion. It has fern like leaves with a strong aromatic flavour that is often used in herbal teas. It displays yellow button like flowers and grows to a height of 120cm. Amongst other uses, the flowers and leaves can yield yellow and green dyes for wool.

Perennial herbeaceous plant.

Sow and grow with care!

Product Part No: 80093

Pack size: 500 Seeds

In Stock
Price: £2.00

When to Sow

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Additional Details

Where to Sow Tansy Herb Seeds

Can be grown in a site of average, moist, garden soil and full sun, though will tolerate partial shade.  Plant in permanent position in July.

What to do next

Can be propegated by root division in second year.


The fresh or dried flowering stems were used to expel round worms, to aid digestion and as a throat gargle Externally, the extracted oil was used for rheumatic pains.
It has excellent insect repellent properties. If planted near peach trees it will keep away harmful flying insects. All old sweet bag recipes against moths included Tansy. In the Middle Ages, Tansy and other herbs took over from rushes for strewing. Tansy has many ancient connections with immortality, deathless-ness and preservation.  Fresh Tansy leaves with a fixative makes a yellow dye. The dried flower may be used for winter arrangements and pot pourri.


Tansy can be used in small amounts in cooking.  It has a strong, peppery taste and can be used as a substitute for pepper. It compliments scrambled eggs and omelets, herb butters, and marinades. It can be used fresh or minced.

Don't ingest Tansy at all if pregnant and don't grow it if you are near any type of farm with grazing animals.  Although this is a pretty plant to look at, there are a lot of downsides to growing Tansy, so unless growing a very specialized garden in which Tansy is an important element, most of us should really find other alternatives in the average home garden setting.