Pest Free - Multi Animal Deterrent
Pest Free - Multi Animal Deterrent
Ultrasonic pest deterrent banishes cats, dogs, martens and foxes from a protected area. Powerful pest deterrent. Operates day and night in all weather conditions. Inaudible to humans and harmless to pets. Detection range of 10 metres covers up to 88sq m. Requires a high quality 9v battery
or optional mains adaptor. Comes with a 2 year warranty and is made in the UK.
• Operates day and night in most weather conditions
• Inaudible to humans and harmless to all species
• Requires a high quality 9v battery or optional
mains adapter (46207) - Using the mains adapter increases the volume by up to 20%
• Covers up to 88 sq. m
• 2 year manufacturers warranty
• Proudly made in the UK!
Product Part No: 46198
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