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Garlic Provence Wight (Softneck) 2 Bulb Pack

Provence Wight Garlic is a large white softneck garlic that can produce bulbs that approach Elephant Garlic size. It is sweet and substantial and will keep up to January. It boasts large fat cloves that suit vegetable and fish dishes of the Mediterranean. Like many Mediterranean types, this garlic responds well to heavy watering in the 3 months before harvest. Best planted from September to January. Harvest mid June. Spring planting is possible although will produce smaller bulbs.

PLEASE NOTE: On arrival garlic should be laid out to prevent sweating and sprouting. Bulbs are as dug.

Softneck garlic is easier to grow than Hardneck and produces plenty of cloves which will store well.

Sorry, no garlic will be available after 28th February.

Product Part No: 31625

Pack size: 2 Bulbs

In Stock
Price: £4.95

When to Sow

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Additional Details

Garlic is easy for any gardener to grow good garlic. It grows well over most of the UK provided it s grown in a sunny position in free draining soil, thats is not too acidic (pH levels should be over 6.7) and kept well watered and weed free.

You will receive a large bulb, split this into cloves and plant these individually. Plant each clove upright, with the flat base down and pushed into the soil to twice their own depth at intervals of 15cm. They need very little after care, just nip off the flower bed when it appears and keep the area weed-free. Make sure to water regularly, as dy weather arrives. Add a little general purpose fertilizer in the autumn and a couple of times in the spring.

Disease:-Garlic is resistant to most forms of disease.



Garlic Butter

Descriptiion: Garlic butter may be best known for making Garlic Bread. But, you will find plenty of other uses for garlic butter. Try it on steaks, chicken, pork and even seafood. You will want to double the size of this recipe. 1 cup butter or margarine 8 cloves of garlic. Use more, if you like it strong. 2 Tablespoons chopped parsley (dried or fresh) 2 Tablespoons grated parmesan cheese (optional) Roast Elephant Garlic Take each unpeeled clove, rub with olive oil and sea salt. Roast on a tray in 170°C oven for about 30 minutes or until soft. Use the puree in any savoury meal.

Creamy Garlic Guacamole

1 large or small heads of fresh garlic 1 ripe avocade 3oz soft creamed cheese 3 tablespoon sour cream 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice ¼ tsp. salt Place whole heads of garlic in a baking dish and drizzle with olive oil. Roast in a moderate oven. 350°F/180°C/Gas Mark 4 for approximately 1 hour or until the garlic is soft. When cool, gently separate the cloves, and squeeze garlic out into a bowl. Peel and pit the avocado, add to garlic along with remaining ingredients. Blend or mash until smooth. Serve with vegetables, tortilla chips or as a topping for poultry dishes, dollop on top of soups, or simply spread onto pitta or other breads, before adding meat or cheese to make a savory sandwich.


Garlic can only be delivered to UK.