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Pea Waverex (Petit Pois)

Waverex (Petis Pois) produces masses of pods containing tiny, incredibly sweet flavoured peas. They are so sweet the peas can be eaten raw in salads but are equally as delicious when cooked. The plant will grow to a height of about 60cm. Can also be used as mini veg.

Many young people today have never seen a pea-pod and only recognise peas if they come out of a plastic bag! We think this is a sad state of affairs because when grown fresh, peas are a totally different vegetable to those that are frozen. To get the sweetest flavour, peas are best cooked when picked young and cooked within 30 minutes of harvest, before the sugar has turned to starch.

Product Part No: 30335

Pack size: 200 Seeds

In Stock
Price: £3.10

When to Sow

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec

Additional Details

When to Sow Waverex Pea Seeds

April to May

Where to Sow

Prepare a flat bottom drill 5cm (2in) deep and 10cm, (4in) wide.

What to do next

Space seeds 5cm (2in) apart throughout the drill allowing 60cm (24in) between the drills, then cover over with soil and gently tamp down with the back of a rake. It is advisable to give some net protection against birds, once seedlings start to grow, then add some net support for plants to climb and hold the crop. Alternatively very early spring sowings can be made in February or March into a length of plastic gutter or modular cells under glass and then planted out against wires. Slide contents of gutter into a shallow drill made in the plot or space modular plants 10-15cm (4-6in) apart once hardened off.


July to September

Handy Tip

As plants grow and the crops mature, stems can get quite heavy, especially after rain so plants may require extra tying to the support netting.

Nutritional Values

A good source of Pro-Vitamin A and Vitamins C, B1 and folic acid.